I’ve only mentioned it briefly here on the blog, but in about three weeks, I’ll be in London! As the date quickly approaches, it’s getting harder to contain my excitement. It was through a bit of good fortune (and having a husband whose job requires specific software training) that we decided to make a mini-vacation out of it. So, while his colleagues are flying back to the states, we’ll be extending our stay for a few days.
Gather Travel Necessities
Brandon (husband) and I have been stocking up on everything we think we’ll need for the trip. Thus far, the only things left to purchase are travel bottles (these GoToobs are already in our Amazon cart). This camera bag came in the mail on Tuesday, and I’m already in love. It’s perfect for holding my DSLR and has plenty of room for the rest of my purse stuff. This way, I’ll only have to shoulder one bag on the days we explore the city.


Admire my Visitor Oyster Card
I’m strangely excited about getting our Visitor Oyster Cards. The last time I went overseas (Italy), I didn’t have to concern myself with transportation since I was part of a college choir tour. Everything was pre-planned and structured for me. So, I’m looking forward to exploring London on my own while Brandon is working. I’m sure the Oyster Card excitement will wear off the first time I forget to tap out after getting off the Tube. We shall see…
Ignore Guilty Feelings
For three days of our trip, my husband will be working while I’m free to explore the city. I’m going to do my best to explore without feeling bad that he can’t see everything with me. I plan on spending a majority of that time walking around, becoming familiar with the Citymapper App, and taking loads of pictures to show Brandon later.

Beyond seeing Les Misérables, we have nothing specifically music-oriented planned. If you have any suggestions, please leave them in the comments. My time will be limited, but I would love to share as much of this trip with you as I can, so please let me know what you’d like to see!


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The Yellow Brick Road Blog



4 Responses

  1. I am SOOO jealous of your trip to London! I had the fortune of going about 10 years ago and it was amazing. Definitely go to the Tower of London – so much history! The British Museum is cool but there's no way you can possibly see everything in it. Bath is not too far and while walking around the town I found Jane Austen's house. Stonehenge is obvious, but if I were to go back I'd pay for a special sunrise or sunset tour to go with a small group and go into the stones, otherwise you only get to look at them from far away. We also took a day trip to this really old town called "The Cottswolds" (sp?) and had traditional English tea in the garden. Lastly, visit the Handel House! (https://handelhendrix.org/planning-your-visit/whats-here/handel-house/) So cool! And don't forget to try some fish, chips, and mushy peas. Delicious!

    1. Thanks for the suggestions! We already have plans to see the Tower of London, and nobody has ever suggested the Handel House before; I'll definitely check it out!! I'm excited about the food, I love trying new stuff, and I love fish and chips 🙂