Music choice boards were all the rage when COVID hit and schools transitioned to distance learning. Choice boards are a bit like BINGO cards with
My teaching journey probably started a lot like yours, with little to no curriculum and a whole lot of unrealistic expectations. After earning a masters degree in curriculum and instruction, my hobby of creating resources and sharing lesson ideas turned into a career. Now, I create resources that are used by music teachers all over the world, and my mission is to create fun education resources for serious music literacy.
From no prep sub lessons to interactive
presentations that teach every music
element, I’ve got you covered.
“THIS RESOURCE IS THE ONLY REASON I HAVEN’T TORN ALL MY HAIR OUT YET. I am a teacher in a small private elementary school, and we have two classrooms for grades K-8. I am also the de facto music teacher on Thursdays, and I was FREAKING OUT about what and how I would teach such a wide variety of ages and skill levels. A GREAT place to start is the basics of music, and this resource has all the slideshows and links ready to go so there is minimal prep on the part of the teacher. Seriously, this is like my favorite thing in the whole universe, and I will never not recommend it to others.”
“I wish i could send a video showing my second graders exclaiming, “I’m making music!!” while using these cards during a composition activity with color-corresponding xylophones. I have never seen my students so excited to play music, and to hear them proclaim that they are musicians, made the work that goes into making resources like this, and teaching this beautiful thing called music, SO worth it.”
“I wish I had found this sooner! Instead of having to hunt for information, this package summarizes the elements of music for you! Students are able to work at their own pace and then have this as reference when working on other material and projects!! Where were you when I started teaching music?!?”
“These slides were perfect when working on steady beat with my kinders, and as a review for my first graders. I used it during distance learning at first, and it was great to leave as an asynchronous assignment as well. Since then, I’ve used it in person and it’s still great! Excellent, clear, and very thorough.
Thank you so much!”
“This is one of the best purchases I have ever made on TpT for my music class. I used this package so many times, in so many ways- with so many grades! I just love that you color coded it for Boomwhackers, I cannot tell you how easy that has made my job! And my youngest students just loved the vocal activities. Thank you so much!”
“One of the best purchases I’ve made on TPT!! An amazing resource. So thorough and great for many entry levels and age groups. Thank you! This has made teaching music so much accessible to me (someone with little music teaching experience).”
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