October has been here for a full week already, so it’s past time for me to set and share my small goals for the month. But first, let’s see how I did with my small goals last month.

Volunteer at Local Schools
I’ve been in contact with the right people, but haven’t yet been invited to volunteer. So, I’m not going to consider this one a fail, simply a process that’s taking longer than I thought.

Make a Permanent Change Toward a Healthier Lifestyle
I’ve reached this goal with flying colors. I’ve found an exercise routine I like (which includes tons of walking mixed with a bit of yoga). Plus, I’m eating better in general. I definitely see these changes as something I can maintain for years to come, which to me, is the whole point.

Now onto the goals for this month.

Caffeine Detox
Did I really just write that? I’m feeling intense regret already, but the fact is that caffeine no longer affects me. My baseline of 3-4 cups of coffee a day has developed into a depressing kind of immunity to caffeine. I miss that wide-eyed, bushy-tailed feeling I used to get, but then how can I possibly say no to coffee every morning? I feel myself backing out of this…

Cook More
Okay, I’m replacing my last goal with this one, because it’s more doable. In general, I dislike cooking because I tend to do it while I’m hungry (bad idea). So, I’ve decided that I need to find some new crockpot recipes and/or an awesome meal-planning system. I’m going to start by making soups for the week ahead. That seems easy enough, and I could eat soup every day for months. I know this for a fact, because I’ve done it.

Get Involved in the Community
I’m not a social person, not even a little. However, I do recognize that I need to be more involved in our community and stop thinking of myself as an outsider simply because we’ve only lived here for a year. Chances are, I’ll be in this town for many years to come, so it’s time I start acting like it! I suspect that my time volunteering will go a long way in helping me to meet this goal.

Fall in Love with my Orchids Again
What kind of person wishes their plants would die? Me, that’s who. Despite having no experience with plants of any kind, I’ve managed to keeps both orchids alive. One is so healthy it’s even trying to escape it’s pot, and I can only assume that it’s taking on the properties of a Mandrake from the Harry Potter World. It’s developed acne and is trying to move into another orchid’s pot. I digress….

What are your goals for this month? Please share them in the comments section or link up with a Small Goals Post by following the instructions below.


2 Responses

  1. I hope you get a chance to volunteer at a school soon! And if you want any super-easy recipes, hit me up. I have high standards for how little time I want to spend preparing food while still producing deliciousness.

    1. I hope so too! Oh, I'll definitely be asking you for recipes! It's really the prep work (and dishes) that make me despise cooking. Right now I've got some stuff green pepper soup in the crock pot, and I'm crossing my fingers that it turns out okay 🙂