The past week in London was amazing, and I’m excited to share a few pictures from the trip with you, as well as a few lesson ideas. I’d been brainstorming on how to fit the two together, and as fate would have it, I came up with an idea this morning at 5:00 a.m. I guess my internal clock is still on London time.
This week’s lesson idea is all about creating. Each picture below features an object with a long history and plenty of potential for a class discussion. After showing student’s a picture, discuss its story, such as its age, size, and purpose. Then, discuss how that object might influence musical creations.
For example, the historic London Bridge inspired a children’s nursery rhyme, which developed into a circle game and song which children still sing today.
Older students will require a different tact, and one that can tie into what they’re learning in other classes, such as history. In the case of St. Paul’s Cathedral, you might discuss how it survived The Blitz in World War II.
The Tower of London would be great for a class discussion on castles and their purpose in ages past. Just do your best to steer clear of the many stories surrounding Tower Hill (of which our Beefeater was more than happy to share during our tour).
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2 Responses
You know, this would be a great composition activity for the beginning of the school year: have students bring in pictures from summer vacation and then create compositions with them. So fun! I can't wait to hear more about your trip in your next newsletter 🙂
Yes, and the added bonus would be that you'd learn a little more about your students 🙂 I can't wait to share some more pictures of London! It was a blast!