Cobbler, Cobbler is a fantastic song and game you can use to teach beat, rhythm, and pitch. Keep scrolling to download a free worksheet you can use in your classroom.


This song is great for teaching and practicing quarter and barred eighths. The repeating patterns make it easy for students to learn, and they’ll be able to spend more time decoding the rhythm. You can use the video below in your classroom to introduce the song or as practice in future lessons.

Click on the image below to download a free worksheet. Students fill in the rhythms on the top portion. Then, they create their own text and rhythms in the bottom portion.


Cobbler, Cobbler would be a great piece to repeat with older students on the recorder. Change the notes to C, A, and G to make it easier. Here’s a video from Huegel music room your students can use as a reference:

Students can practice proper tonguing technique, breath control, and fingering. You could also split your class into two groups. One group could play on the recorders while the other group sings and plays the game. You could even create an ensemble by adding in some rhythm and Orff instruments. The possibilities are endless.


There are several different versions of this game floating around the internet. Click on the following links to find the version that best meets your needs:

Shoes by Amy Abbott
A great blog post filled with ideas for passing games and steady beat practice. I love how Amy focuses on the preparation leading up to passing games.

Favorite Singing Games for Lower Elementary by Sue Leithold-Bowcock
This blog post gives some ideas for modifications. Plus, it showcases other circle games that would be fantastic for lower elementary.

Hunt the Slipper
This page features notation, analysis, and circle game directions. I’ve used a variation of this circle game many times with great success. Students love to find new ways to outsmart the person in the middle!