5 Echo Songs for the Elementary Music Classroom

Echo songs are a fantastic choice for when you’re trying to save your voice. By choosing a few echo song recordings, your students can sing to their heart’s content without you destroying your voice in the process. Here are just five of some of my favorite echo songs for the elementary music classroom.

No More Pie

No More Pie is great for helping students to sing in their head voice. You can have students practice simple, steady beat motions as they sing along. Once they’ve got the hang of it, you can split them into two groups, with one being the “call” and the other being the “echo”.

Charlie Over the Ocean

I’ve written about this song before. You can read the post and learn the fun, circle game that goes with it by clicking HERE.

My Aunt Came Back

Create a simple motion for each verse. For example, tapping your foot when they sing about “wooden shoe”. Continue creating new motions for each verse, until you’re performing several motions all together at the end of the song. This makes it fun for the students, and makes the last verse of the song a lot more meaningful 😜

Kye Kye Kule

This is a short song that has fantastic accompanying movements. You can read more about the song and how to play the game HERE.

Purple Light

I’ve always loved the melody of this song, ever since I was a kid and first heard Dean Martin and Ricky Nelson singing it in the movie Rio Bravo. If you do have students sing along with the video, be sure to have them sing the chorus together with Jill. The verses can be echoed as usual.

*If you have students from Singapore, you will definitely want to reevaluate whether or not you use this song in your classroom. Particularly if your students come from a family involved in Singapore’s armed forces. You can read more about that HERE.

2 Responses

  1. This is a great collection to have for those days when my voice is shot or I need some extra material for a sub, especially with the younger grades! Thank you so much for putting this together. Great resource!