Duérmete, Mi Niño is a Mexican lullaby, which you can use to practice barred eighth and quarter note rhythms. The pitches range from F4 to C5, making it perfect for young singers. If you’d like to find more songs like this one, check out the book De Colores and Other Latin-American Folk Songs for Children by José-Luis Orozco.

Duérmete, mi niño,
duérmete solito,
que cuando despiertes
te daré atolito
Duérmete, mi niña,
duérmete, mi sol,
duérmete pedazo
de mi corazón.
Go to sleep, my baby,
sleep in peace and dream,
for when you awaken
I will give you cream.
Go to sleep, my baby,
go to sleep, my love,
go to sleep, my sweetheart,
go to sleep, my dove.
I’ve never been a fan of performances at the elementary level. I think it takes too much instructional time away only to be replaced with lots of memorization and rote learning. I don’t feel that the end goal of music is a public performance. Sometimes, music is just for ourselves and our chosen community. On the other hand, I know that most music teachers have admin requirements and community expectations to fulfill. I also know music teachers who create informances that transition seamlessly from their classroom to the stage; requiring very little change to instruction; presented by students who are confident and joyful in what they present. I also recognize that most admin and parents prefer large-scale performances. That being said, I do have some ideas for creating an informance that looks a whole lot like a traditional program and includes lullabies like Duérmete, Mi Nino.
- repertoire for a “night & day” informance includes lullabies and wake up songs from around the world
- Stage decorations include moons, stars, and suns.
- have students bring in old gloves, spray paint one side with glow-in-the-dark paint, and create movements to a listening piece in the dark.
- Create a sound story with rhythm instruments and include movement with colorful scarves (use your favorite classroom picture book as inspiration and let your students’ imagination run wild). My friend Melissa has an enormous compilation of books you can use in the classroom HERE.
- The Kodály Center, Beth’s Music Notes, and Mama Lisa’s World are all great resources for finding songs for a specific subject. Additionally, your students’ parents are also fantastic resources for creating a unique repertoire list.