If you’re new to my blog, welcome! Every month I write a post about my small goals. Then, I reflect on those goals the following month, to see which ones stuck. Last month I achieved all of my goals, except for one, which I will be finishing up today. Like many people, I tend to focus on what I didn’t accomplish. This type of thinking can lead to a death spiral of epic proportions. Hence, these posts are my attempt to celebrate the small victories. Even if my only victory is remembering to write a small goals post each month…
However, I am making a small change to the format. From this day forward, I plan to focus my goals on my emotional and physical health. It’s an area that I tend to neglect, and I’m guessing that some of you would say the same. I figure, if I’m able to keep my own spirits up, maybe I can help with yours too! With that in mind, here are my small goals for the month of February:
I had an amazing habit of walking outside during the warmer months. I listened to my favorite podcasts and soaked up vitamin D. My physical and emotional health improved noticeably.
Sadly though, I haven’t felt the sun in weeks. You see, I live in Indiana, where the clouds like to vacation. Our neighbor (who has lived in both India and Minnesota) said he’s never experienced such a long stretch of cloudy weather. This fact, coupled with chilling cold, has kept me inside for the last month. While I can’t force the sun to come out of hiding, I can still go walking.
As with many people, I tend to focus on my weaknesses rather than my strengths. This needs to change. I will remind myself that I’m most helpful to others when I believe in my own strength. In this way, when I remind someone how awesome they are, I will be practicing what I preach!
Speaking of strengths, one of mine is that I’m introspective. I often spend time reflecting on how to improve. But, this month I’m going to balance those thoughts with acknowledging the gains I’ve made. I will do my very best to avoid the death spiral of negative thinking. Wish me luck!
That’s it for this month’s small goals. If you’d like to join me and share your small goals, link up below. I love hearing what others are working on and what they’ve achieved.