3rd Grade Music Interactive Notebook – Music INB – music lessons

This interactive music notebook is a great tool for assessing 3rd grade music students while encouraging creativity and student-centered learning. This file can be used in a variety of ways, including as traditional interactive notebook pages, worksheets, assessments, differentiated activities, evidence of learning, and more. It’s editable, so that you can customize student directions and/or adjust music terminology to fit your needs!


⚠️ Click HERE to see the digital version of this resource made for distance learning.


This resource is perfect for:

✅ elementary music teachers

✅ student teachers

✅ homeschoolers



  • New version of the interactive notebook (portrait view)
  • Old version of the interactive notebook (landscape view)
  • Completed example of each page of the notebook
  • Instructions for use



  • Student checklist to keep track of all concepts covered
  • Input page, with space for additional notes and the option to edit music terminology to fit your needs
  • Output/reflection page, in which students use the information to apply, analyze, evaluate, and create.



  • Please note that all of the interactive notebooks are spiral sequenced, so you will find some terms repeated in other grade levels.
  • All text is editable so that you can modify each page to fit your students’ needs


► Tempo

  • Lento, Adagio, Andante, Allegro, Presto, Accelerando, Decelerando

► Rhythm

  • Notes: whole, dotted half, half, quarter, barred eighths, barred sixteenths
  • Rests: whole, half, quarter

► Pitch

  • do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, do’, low la, low so

► Dynamics

  • p, mp, mf, f, crescendo, decrescendo

► Form

  • binary, ternary, rondo

► Timbre

  • environmental, machine, voice type, woodwind, brass, percussion, keyboard, strings, electronic

► Harmony

  • step, skip, leap, repeat

► Recorder

  • Fingerings: C4 – C5

► Staff & Symbols

  • treble & bass clef, staff, line notes, space notes, ledger line, time signature (2/4, 3/4, 4/4), barline, double barline, repeat sign

► Composers

  • 12 total from medieval-modern of western art music

► Conducting

  • conducting patterns (2/4, 3/4)

► Listening Reflections

► Listening Prompts