As I jump back into the first small goals post of the year, it feels a little bit like coming back from vacation. Working from home often means that I find work at home, and I rarely take an entire day off. However, I did a pretty good job of being lazy over winter break, so I’m ready to get back to my usual workaholic tendencies.
That being said, my December small goal of “being grateful” was not only achieved, but necessary. I’m grateful for many things, but making music with my family definitely stands out as the highlight of December. Even if that music consisted of tiny plastic whistles from poppers and some sour notes from an Otamatone. <– Check it out. You won’t be disappointed!
Now, onto my small goals for January:
This one is easy. Friend Laura is letting me borrow her flute, and I’ve been playing it almost nonstop since. Along with all of my other instruments (guitar, piano, clarinet), I have plenty on which to practice. I forgot how much I loved learning and playing new instruments. It’s better than coffee, and that’s saying a lot!
I took tons of pictures of my nephews over break while they were visiting, and I had so much fun looking through them afterward. I still don’t know my camera as well as I should, and I tend to learn best by doing. So, I hope to be featuring more pictures on my blog this month.
I tend to assume, perhaps erroneously, that you don’t care to hear about the minutiae of my professional life. However, I can’t ignore the fact that finishing my Snowball Pitches Bundle is a small goal of mine this month. Several people have asked how many sets I planned to produce, and I really want to post the whole bundle as soon as possible.
That’s it for my small goals this month. Feel free to link up below or share your small goals in the comments section.
2 Responses
I need to be better about taking pictures too!!! And how cool that you're spending time practicing new instruments- I think that's awesome 🙂 Thanks for hosting again this month! I love setting small goals throughout the year instead of one big resolution each New Year.
Agreed! I'm lucky to make my small goals, I'd never survive a year long one 😉