Many of you are probably enjoying your first few days of “summer break”, so what better time to stock up on lesson ideas for next year?
Today I’m sharing a simple song and game called Watch That Lady. You can watch the video below to get a feel for the melody and tempo.
Students stand in a circle with one in the middle. Students sing and clap the song together. Then, during “First watch…” the student in the middle improvises movements to go with the beat of the song, while the rest of the class imitates. When the song is finished, the student in the middle chooses another to take his/her place.
This activity is great to get in a little extra steady beat practice. Plus, it gives students a chance to improvise in a low-stress situation, since the only requirement is that they keep a steady beat with their movements.
Ask the students who struggle to keep a steady beat, to play hand drums during the second half of the song. This will give them a little extra practice with steady beat and will help you better hear their progress throughout the song.
Meanwhile, the students who are in need of an extra challenge can play the rhythm during the second half using a rhythm instrument.
Along the same idea as above, split students into three groups of Orff instruments. The students who struggle with steady beat can play a simple bordun with G and D. The students who need practice with crossing over or alternating hands, can play the first half of the song. Lastly, the students who need a challenge can play the second half of the song (perhaps adding in a roll on the half note).
The video below is a great resource for any teacher who would like to introduce or review expectations for Orff instruments.
If your school’s out for summer (thanks Alice Cooper), share your summer plans in the comments section below. I’d love to know what you are all up to this summer!
8 Responses
My students love these type of game songs! Our favorites to encourage movement improvisation are Punchinella and Mazudio. I can't wait to try this one!
Thanks for commenting and sharing 🙂
I LOVE that Orff video!! I love these kinds of movement games, especially with kindergarten and 1st grade. Thanks for sharing this one- I've never tried it before! #fermatafridays
Yes, I wish I would've known about that video when I was going over Orff expectations with my classes. Thanks for commenting!
can you include an image of the printed song as well-like you have previously so much easier to just print that out and go to the piano thanks!
Sure! I must have forgot this time. Thanks for reminding me 🙂
by the way I love your blog!
Thanks Holly!